GARLIC ONION SHALLOT BANANA SHALLOT RANGE SPECIALIST PRODUCTION STORAGE PACKAGING MARKETING PRODUCTIONSTOCKAGECONDITIONNEMENTCOMMERCIALISATION GARLIC ONION SHALLOT BANANA SHALLOT RANGE SPECIALIST PRODUCTIONSTORAGEPACKAGINGMARKETING Our Story Garlic, onion, shallot and banana shallot for more than 50 years. Men and women behind our products These women and men have enabled the group to grow, to forge a quality heritage and to gain in responsiveness and flexibility. They are now specialists in all products and services related to the allium trade. Our products, from field to plate We cultivate and package these French origin products with the greatest care in order to ensure our consumers the best quality and total traceability. Discover our products Adress: Z.I de Sermaises2 rue du Soleil Levant - 45300 SermaisesTelephone: +33(0)2 38 39 05 15Workin HoursFrom Monday to Friday08:00-12:30 am / 13:30-17:30 pm A question ? An observation ? contact us By ticking this box, I agree that my personal information be used for that purpose, in line with EU data protection laws. * required fields