Check the technical and economic viability of a change in short-chain production system.
Pilot : the onion.

Sad observation, soils are becoming poorer, erosion is increasing, diseases are developing, biodiversity is besoming rarer, societal expectations are increasingly strong and demand a radical change in the current production system…

The producers-members of the BCO Cooperative, aware of the issues, and pioneers in the field, have reacted and are in the process of developing and structuring innovative solutions, virtuous for the environment and economically viable.

The challenge for our cooperative : to support our farmers towards AGROECOLOGY in order to perpetuate onion cultivation in the Centre-Val de Loire, to ensure the economic viability of the model and to preserve the existence of its tools in the regional territory (investment of €11,5 million in 2018 in its ultra-modern packaging center in Loiret for example).

This original project made it possible to bring together numerous stakeholders, from production to distribution, to tackle, together, the life cycle of an unprocessed product : the onion and ultimately transfer the experience acquired to others sectors.

Goals :
  • Engage the farmers of the BCO Cooperative in the  agroecological transition on a territorial scale.
  • Bringing together the main economic players revolving around operations ==> operational implementation of production for the consumer while testing its economic viability

(PEI = European Innovation Partnership)

Coop Axéreal

Coop Cristal Union
(Sugar beets)

Coop B.C.O.

L’Association PADV
(Pour une Agriculture du vivant / For an agriculture of life)

L’Association Hommes et Territoires
for providing his knowledge of biodiversity

La Chambre d’Agriculture du Loiret

L’ESA d’Angers


La région Centre-Val de Loire

Végépolys Valley

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